Cabinet - Wednesday 25 October 2023, 5:30pm - Tower Hamlets Council webcasts
Wednesday, 25th October 2023 at 5:30pm
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Agenda item :
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Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
Agenda item :
Agenda item :
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Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Guest Speaker
Agenda item :
5 a) Chair's Advice of Key Issues or Questions
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Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Guest Speaker
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Guest Speaker
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Agenda item :
5 b) Any Unrestricted Decisions "Called in" by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee
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Agenda item :
6 a) MTFS and Budget Scene Setting 2024-27
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Cllr Saied Ahmed
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Mr Stephen Halsey
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Cllr Maium Talukdar
Cllr Saied Ahmed
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Mr Stephen Halsey
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Cllr Saied Ahmed
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Cllr Saied Ahmed
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Mr Stephen Halsey
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Mr Stephen Halsey
Agenda item :
6 c) Record of Corporate Directors Action 23-24 Q1
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Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Agenda item :
6 d) Contracts Forward Plan (Quarter 2 2023/2024)
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Cllr Saied Ahmed
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Mr Raj Mistry
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Cllr Kabir Ahmed
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Guest Speaker
Ms. Denise Radley
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Guest Speaker
Guest Speaker
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Cllr Maium Talukdar
Guest Speaker
Cllr Saied Ahmed
Guest Speaker
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Guest Speaker
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Cllr Abu Chowdhury
Guest Speaker
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Cllr Iqbal Hossain
Guest Speaker
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Cllr Iqbal Hossain
Guest Speaker
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Cllr Abdul Wahid
Guest Speaker
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Agenda item :
6 f) Tower Hamlets - Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2022-23
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Ms. Denise Radley
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Ms. Denise Radley
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Guest Speaker
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Cllr Maium Talukdar
Ms. Denise Radley
Guest Speaker
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Cllr Kabir Hussain
Agenda item :
6 g) Additional Licensing Houses in Multiple Occupation Designation
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- Additional Licensing Houses in Multiple Occupation Designation
- Appendix. 1 for Additional Licensing Houses in Multiple Occupation Designation
- Appendix. 2 Consultation Document
- Appendix. 3 Fit and Proper
- Appendix. 4 Private Rental Accommodation and Amenity Standards
- Appendix. 5 Draft Additional Licensing Conditions
- Appendix. 6 Ward Data
- Appendix. 7 MEL Research Additional Licensing Consultation Report
- Appendix. 8 Responses to Written comments from consultation
- Appendix. 9 Fee Structure
- Appendix. 10 Equality Impact Screening Tool
- Cabinet appendices print sheet
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Guest Speaker
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Cllr Maium Talukdar
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Cllr Kabir Ahmed
Agenda item :
6 h) Tower Hamlets New Local Plan: Regulation 18 Consultation Draft
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- Tower Hamlets New Local Plan: Regulation 18 Consultation Draft
- Appendix. 1 Tower Hamlets Regulation 18 Draft New Local Plan
- Appendix. 2 Tower Hamlets Regulation 18 Draft Integrated Impact Assessment - Scoping Report
- Appendix. 3 Local Plan Regulation 18 Consultation Strategy
- Cabinet appendices print sheet
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Cllr Kabir Ahmed
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Cllr Maium Talukdar
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Ms. Denise Radley
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Guest Speaker
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Cllr Kabir Ahmed
Guest Speaker
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Cllr Kabir Ahmed
Cllr Kabir Ahmed
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Cllr Maium Talukdar
Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Agenda item :
6 i) Statutory Transfer Scheme to support the proposed transfer of town planning powers from the London Legacy Development Corporation to Tower Hamlets
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Cllr Kabir Ahmed
Agenda item :
6 j) Tower Hamlets Homes Articles of Association and Board of Directors
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Mr Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Webcast Finished
- Declarations of Interest Note, opens in new tab
- Printed minutes 20092023 1730 Cabinet, opens in new tab
- MTFS and Budget Scene Setting 2024-27, opens in new tab
- Appendix A - MTFS Summary, opens in new tab
- Continuation of Business Rates Pooling, opens in new tab
- Record of Corporate Directors Action 23-24 Q1, opens in new tab
- Appendix. 1 RCDA Q1 2023-24, opens in new tab
- Contracts Forward Plan 2023/2024 Q2, opens in new tab
- Appendix. 1 for Contracts Forward Plan (Quarter 2 2023/2024), opens in new tab
- Appendix. 2 for Contracts Forward Plan (Quarter 2 2023/2024), opens in new tab
- Action Plan Response to Health and Adults Scrutiny Sub-Committee Review and Recommendations Report on ‘Workforce Shortages Across The Health and Care Sector’, opens in new tab
- Appendix. 1 for Action Plan Response to Health and Adults Scrutiny Sub-Committee Review and Recommendations Report on ‘Workforce Shortages Across The Health and Care Sector’, opens in new tab
- Appendix. 2 for Action Plan Response to Health and Adults Scrutiny Sub-Committee Review and Recommendations Report on ‘Workforce Shortages Across The Health and Care Sector’, opens in new tab
- Main Report Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2022-23, opens in new tab
- Appendix. 1 for Tower Hamlets - Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2022-23, opens in new tab
- Additional Licensing Houses in Multiple Occupation Designation, opens in new tab
- Appendix. 1 for Additional Licensing Houses in Multiple Occupation Designation, opens in new tab
- Appendix. 2 Consultation Document, opens in new tab
- Appendix. 3 Fit and Proper, opens in new tab
- Appendix. 4 Private Rental Accommodation and Amenity Standards, opens in new tab
- Appendix. 5 Draft Additional Licensing Conditions, opens in new tab
- Appendix. 6 Ward Data, opens in new tab
- Appendix. 7 MEL Research Additional Licensing Consultation Report, opens in new tab
- Appendix. 8 Responses to Written comments from consultation, opens in new tab
- Appendix. 9 Fee Structure, opens in new tab
- Appendix. 10 Equality Impact Screening Tool, opens in new tab
- Cabinet appendices print sheet, opens in new tab
- Tower Hamlets New Local Plan: Regulation 18 Consultation Draft, opens in new tab
- Appendix. 1 Tower Hamlets Regulation 18 Draft New Local Plan, opens in new tab
- Appendix. 2 Tower Hamlets Regulation 18 Draft Integrated Impact Assessment - Scoping Report, opens in new tab
- Appendix. 3 Local Plan Regulation 18 Consultation Strategy, opens in new tab
- Cabinet appendices print sheet, opens in new tab
- Cabinet report, opens in new tab
- Cabinet Appendix 1: Statutory Transfer Scheme, opens in new tab
- Cabinet Appendix 2: Staff Transfer MOU, opens in new tab
- STS Appendix 1: LLDC CIL and S106 Protocols, opens in new tab
- STS Appendix. 1 Data Transfer Protocol, opens in new tab
- Report Tower Hamlets Homes Articles of Association and Board of Directors, opens in new tab
- Appendix. 1 Articles of Association, opens in new tab