Cabinet - Tuesday 19 December 2017, 5:30pm - Tower Hamlets Council webcasts
Tuesday, 19th December 2017 at 5:30pm
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Agenda item :
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Mayor John Biggs
Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
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Cllr Dave Chesterton
Mayor John Biggs
Agenda item :
5 d) Withy House Tenant Management Organisation (TMO)Termination Notice
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Agenda item :
5 a) Children's Services Improvement- progress report quarter 2
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Cllr Amy Whitelock Gibbs
Cllr Amy Whitelock Gibbs
Mayor John Biggs
Agenda item :
5 d) Withy House Tenant Management Organisation (TMO)Termination Notice
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Cllr Sirajul Islam
Cllr Sirajul Islam
Mayor John Biggs
Guest Speaker
Mayor John Biggs
Guest Speaker
Cllr Sirajul Islam
Mayor John Biggs
Cllr Dave Chesterton
Mayor John Biggs
Guest Speaker
Mayor John Biggs
Agenda item :
5 i) Neighbourhood Planning: Isle of Dogs Neighbourhood Plan - 2017 to 2031 - Legal Compliance and Examination Stage
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- 5.9 Isle of Dogs Neighbourhood Plan
- 5.9a Appendix 1 - Draft Isle of Dogs Neighbourhood Plan
- 5.9b Appendix 2 - Consultation Statement
- 5.9c Appendix 3 - Consultation Statement Appendix
- 5.9d Appendix 4 - Basic Condition Statement
- 5.9e Appendix 5 - Legal compliance checklist
- 5.9f Appendix 6 - EQIA checklist
Cllr Rachel Blake
Mayor John Biggs
Guest Speaker
Mayor John Biggs
Cllr Dave Chesterton
Mayor John Biggs
Cllr Rachel Blake
Cllr Rachel Blake
Mayor John Biggs
Guest Speaker
Mayor John Biggs
Guest Speaker
Mayor John Biggs
Agenda item :
5 b) Update on implementation of the Mayor's Transparency Protocol and response to the OSC Transparency Commission Report
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Mayor John Biggs
Guest Speaker
Mayor John Biggs
Cllr Dave Chesterton
Mayor John Biggs
Guest Speaker
Mayor John Biggs
Guest Speaker
Cllr Dave Chesterton
Cllr Dave Chesterton
Mayor John Biggs
Agenda item :
5 c) Establishment of Group Training Association for Construction Training
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Cllr Joshua Peck
Mayor John Biggs
Mayor John Biggs
Cllr Dave Chesterton
Mayor John Biggs
Agenda item :
5 e) Better Care Fund 2017- 2019 - Section 75 agreement
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Cllr Denise Jones
Mayor John Biggs
Guest Speaker
Mayor John Biggs
Agenda item :
5 f) Removal of Nuisance and Illegally Parked Vehicles
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Cllr Amina Ali
Mayor John Biggs
Cllr Dave Chesterton
Mayor John Biggs
Mr Tom McCourt
Mr Tom McCourt
Mayor John Biggs
Agenda item :
5 g) IDF: Approval of the Allocation of CIL and S106 funding and Approval for the Adoption of a Capital Budget in Respect of the Following Projects: Brick Lane Regeneration Project; Route 108 Bow Enterprise Park Development Bus Service Enhancement; South
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- 5.7 IDF - S106 and CIL Expenditure Proposals
- 5.7a Appendix A - SDB Initiation, Design & Public Consultation PID
- 5.7b Appendix B - Route 108 PID Enhancement - Bow Enterprise PID
- 5.7c Appendix C - Brick Lane Regeneration PID
- 5.7d Appendix D - Middlesex Street Public Art PID
- 5.7e Appendix E - Toynbee Hall PID
Cllr Rachel Blake
Mayor John Biggs
Cllr Amina Ali
Mayor John Biggs
Cllr Amina Ali
Mayor John Biggs
Cllr Denise Jones
Mrs Asmat Hussain
Mayor John Biggs
Cllr Joshua Peck
Mayor John Biggs
Cllr Joshua Peck
Mayor John Biggs
Cllr Rachel Blake
Mayor John Biggs
Cllr Dave Chesterton
Mayor John Biggs
Agenda item :
5 h) Consultations on a new Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule and submission for examination
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- 5.8 Consultation on a new CIL Charging Structure
- 5.8a Appendix A - Proposed Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule with maps
- 5.8b Appendix B - Viability Study (no appendices)
- 5.8c Appendix C - Supporting Evidence and Funding Gap Report
- 5.8d Appendix D - Equality Assurance Checklist
- 5.8e Appendix E - Instalments Policy
- 5.8f Appendix F - A Payment in Kind and Infrastructure Payments Policy
- 5.8g Appendix G - Charging Schedule Explanatory Notes
Cllr Rachel Blake
Mayor John Biggs
Mayor John Biggs
Mayor John Biggs
Agenda item :
5 j) Blackwall Reach Regeneration: New Charitable Trust & CPO Resolution
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Cllr Rachel Blake
Mayor John Biggs
Cllr Denise Jones
Mayor John Biggs
Agenda item :
5 k) Sonali Gardens Day Centre
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Cllr David Edgar
Cllr David Edgar
Mayor John Biggs
Cllr Amy Whitelock Gibbs
Cllr Amy Whitelock Gibbs
Mayor John Biggs
Ms. Denise Radley
Cllr Denise Jones
Cllr Denise Jones
Mayor John Biggs
Agenda item :
5 l) Publication of Brownfield Register
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Cllr Rachel Blake
Mayor John Biggs
Guest Speaker
Mayor John Biggs
Agenda item :
5 m) Corporate Directors Decisions
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Cllr David Edgar
Cllr David Edgar
Mayor John Biggs
Cllr Dave Chesterton
Mrs Ann Sutcliffe
Mayor John Biggs
Ms. Denise Radley
Mayor John Biggs
Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
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Webcast Finished
- Guidance on Declaration of Interests July 2012final, opens in new tab
- Minutes of Previous Meeting, opens in new tab
- 5.1 Q2 Children's Services Improvement Plan Progress Report, opens in new tab
- 5.2 Mayor's Transparency Protocol Update, opens in new tab
- 5.3 Establishment of Group Training Association for Construction Training, opens in new tab
- 5.4 Withy House Cabinet report, opens in new tab
- 5.4 Appendix 6 - Petition Withy House_Redacted, opens in new tab
- 5.5 Better Care Fund Report, opens in new tab
- 5.5 Appendix A - Better Care Fund, opens in new tab
- 5.6 Removal of Nuisance Vehicles, opens in new tab
- 5.7 IDF - S106 and CIL Expenditure Proposals, opens in new tab
- 5.7a Appendix A - SDB Initiation, Design & Public Consultation PID, opens in new tab
- 5.7b Appendix B - Route 108 PID Enhancement - Bow Enterprise PID, opens in new tab
- 5.7c Appendix C - Brick Lane Regeneration PID, opens in new tab
- 5.7d Appendix D - Middlesex Street Public Art PID, opens in new tab
- 5.7e Appendix E - Toynbee Hall PID, opens in new tab
- 5.8 Consultation on a new CIL Charging Structure, opens in new tab
- 5.8a Appendix A - Proposed Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule with maps, opens in new tab
- 5.8b Appendix B - Viability Study (no appendices), opens in new tab
- 5.8c Appendix C - Supporting Evidence and Funding Gap Report, opens in new tab
- 5.8d Appendix D - Equality Assurance Checklist, opens in new tab
- 5.8e Appendix E - Instalments Policy, opens in new tab
- 5.8f Appendix F - A Payment in Kind and Infrastructure Payments Policy, opens in new tab
- 5.8g Appendix G - Charging Schedule Explanatory Notes, opens in new tab
- 5.9 Isle of Dogs Neighbourhood Plan, opens in new tab
- 5.9a Appendix 1 - Draft Isle of Dogs Neighbourhood Plan, opens in new tab
- 5.9b Appendix 2 - Consultation Statement, opens in new tab
- 5.9c Appendix 3 - Consultation Statement Appendix, opens in new tab
- 5.9d Appendix 4 - Basic Condition Statement, opens in new tab
- 5.9e Appendix 5 - Legal compliance checklist, opens in new tab
- 5.9f Appendix 6 - EQIA checklist, opens in new tab
- 5.10 Blackwall Trust and Proposed CPO, opens in new tab
- 5.10a Appendix 2 - Blackwall Trust EQIA, opens in new tab
- 5.11 Sonali Gardens Day Care Centre, opens in new tab
- 5.12 Brownfield Land Register, opens in new tab
- 5.12a Appendix A List of sites 28-11-2017, opens in new tab
- 5.12b Appendix B - Maps 28-11-2017- reduced size, opens in new tab
- 5.13 Corporate Directors' Decisions, opens in new tab
- 5.13a - Appendix 1 Corporate Directors' Decisions, opens in new tab

Statutory Deputy Mayor & Cabinet Member for Housing Management & Performance
Tower Hamlets Council