Cabinet - Tuesday 2 May 2017, 5:30pm - Tower Hamlets Council webcasts
Tuesday, 2nd May 2017 at 5:30pm
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Agenda item :
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Mayor John Biggs
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Cllr John Pierce
Mayor John Biggs
Agenda item :
5 a) Ageing Well in Tower Hamlets: A commissioning strategy for adult social care and related services for residents aged 55+.
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Cllr Amy Whitelock Gibbs
Mayor John Biggs
Cllr Amy Whitelock Gibbs
Mayor John Biggs
Cllr Shiria Khatun
Mayor John Biggs
Cllr Sirajul Islam
Ms. Denise Radley
Cllr Amy Whitelock Gibbs
Mayor John Biggs
Agenda item :
5 i) Sustainability &Transformation Plan
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Cllr Amy Whitelock Gibbs
Mayor John Biggs
Mayor John Biggs
Cllr Sirajul Islam
Cllr Amy Whitelock Gibbs
Ms. Denise Radley
Ms. Denise Radley
Mayor John Biggs
Agenda item :
5 b) Indoor Sports Facilities Strategy 2017 - 2027
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Cllr David Edgar
Mayor John Biggs
Cllr David Edgar
Mayor John Biggs
Cllr Rachel Blake
Cllr Shiria Khatun
Mayor John Biggs
Cllr David Edgar
Mayor John Biggs
Agenda item :
5 c) Approval to proceed with guidance on new rent levels
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Cllr Rachel Blake
Mayor John Biggs
Cllr Rachel Blake
Mayor John Biggs
Cllr Rachel Blake
Mayor John Biggs
Cllr John Pierce
Cllr Rachel Blake
Mayor John Biggs
Cllr Rachel Blake
Mayor John Biggs
Cllr Rachel Blake
Mayor John Biggs
Cllr Sirajul Islam
Mayor John Biggs
Agenda item :
5 d) Approval of S106 Funding to Cycle and Pedestrian Improvement Project 2017
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Cllr Rachel Blake
Cllr John Pierce
Cllr Rachel Blake
Mayor John Biggs
Mayor John Biggs
Agenda item :
5 e) Single Equality Framework 2017/18
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Mayor John Biggs
Agenda item :
5 f) Temporary Agency Report: Procurement of Managed Service Provider
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Cllr David Edgar
Mayor John Biggs
Cllr Sirajul Islam
Mayor John Biggs
Mayor John Biggs
Mr Aman Dalvi
Mayor John Biggs
Mayor John Biggs
Agenda item :
5 g) Contracts Forward Plan 2017/18 Q1
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Cllr David Edgar
Mayor John Biggs
Cllr David Edgar
Mayor John Biggs
Cllr David Edgar
Zena Cooke
Mayor John Biggs
Ms. Denise Radley
Mayor John Biggs
Agenda item :
5 h) List of Executive Mayoral Decisions
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Cllr Rachel Blake
Mr Graham White
Mr Graham White
Mayor John Biggs
Webcast Finished
- Guidance on Declaration of Interests July 2012final, opens in new tab
- Minutes of Previous Meeting, opens in new tab
- Pre-Decision Questions - Overview and Scrutiny Committee 2 May 2017, opens in new tab
- Ageing well cabinet report 18.04.17 L&F comments from MAB included, opens in new tab
- Ageing Well draft 21 04 17 V09 CABINET CURRENT CLEAN, opens in new tab
- Ageing Well Equalities Analysis 0.2 19.04.17, opens in new tab
- 5.2 Indoor Sports Facilities Strategy 2017-2027, opens in new tab
- 5.2a Appendix 1 Indoor Sport Facilities Strategy 2017, opens in new tab
- 5.2b Indoor Sports Facilities EA, opens in new tab
- 5.2c Indoor Sports Facilities Checklist, opens in new tab
- 5.2d Appendix 4 Maps, opens in new tab
- 5.4 Final_Cabinet Report - Affordable RentsMAB Comments_11042017, opens in new tab
- 5.4 Appendix 1_Rent summary for developers_template_FINAL_090317, opens in new tab
- 5.4 Cycle and Pedestrian Improvement Project 2017, opens in new tab
- 5.4a Appendix A Cycle and Pedestrian Improvement Project, opens in new tab
- 5.4b Appendix B - Cycle and Pedestrian Schedule of Works Spreadsheet, opens in new tab
- 5.5 Single Equality Framework 2017-18, opens in new tab
- 5.5a Appendix 1 SEF 1718, opens in new tab
- 5.5b Appendix 2 SEF 1718 Delivery Plan, opens in new tab
- 5.6 MSP Temporary Agency report tollgate, opens in new tab
- 20170412PGContractsForwardPlanQuarterOneFY1718legalversion1x1x, opens in new tab
- List of Executive Mayoral Decisions, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 - Decision Sheets for List of Executive Mayoral Decisions, opens in new tab
- 5.9 Sustainability and Transformation Plan, opens in new tab
- 5.9a NEL STP Governance MoU - STP Programme Board membership list, opens in new tab

Statutory Deputy Mayor & Cabinet Member for Housing Management & Performance
Tower Hamlets Council