Cabinet - Wednesday 23 July 2014, 5:30pm - Tower Hamlets Council webcasts
Wednesday, 23rd July 2014 at 5:30pm
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Agenda item :
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Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Agenda item :
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Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Mayor's Statement
Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Agenda item :
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Cllr Ohid Ahmed
Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Agenda item :
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Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
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Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Cllr Joshua Peck
Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Agenda item :
7 a) Tackling the School Places Gap: pupil place planning and the impact of academies and free schools - scrutiny challenge session
Agenda item :
8 b) Health Scrutiny Review of A&E services
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Agenda item :
10 b) Resident Engagement in the Budget Process - Scrutiny Review
Agenda item :
10 c) Tower Hamlets Council's Approach to Support Staff with Specific Learning Difficulties - Scrutiny Review
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- 10.3a Tower Hamlets Council's Approach to Support Staff with Specific Learning Difficulties
- 10.3b Scrutiny Challenge Session Report - Tower Hamlets Council's Approach to Support Staff with Learning Difficulties
- 10.3c Tower Hamlets Councils Approach to Support Staff with Specific Learning Difficulties - Action Plan FINAL
Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Cllr Joshua Peck
Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Agenda item :
6 a) Bethnal Green Museum Garden's Shelter
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Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Cllr Shahed Ali
Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Agenda item :
6 b) CPO Resolution: a) Aberfeldy Estate Phase 2 and b) Burdett Estate, St Pauls Way Trust (Poplar HARCA)
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Cllr Rabina Khan
Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Cllr Shahed Ali
Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Agenda item :
8 a) DAAT Commissioning
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Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Cllr Ohid Ahmed
Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Cllr Alibor Choudhury
Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Cllr Abdul Asad
Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Agenda item :
8 c) Genesis Mental Health Contract Award
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Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Cllr Abdul Asad
Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Agenda item :
10 a) Strategic Performance, 13/14 General Fund Revenue Budget and Capital Programme Monitoring Q4 Year End
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Cllr Alibor Choudhury
Mr Chris Holme
Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Cllr Aminur Khan
Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Agenda item :
10 d) Investment in London LGPS Common Investment Vehicle (CIV)
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Mr Chris Holme
Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Agenda item :
10 e) Contracts Forward Plan Q1 and Q2 (2014-15)
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Cllr Alibor Choudhury
Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Mr Chris Holme
Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Mr Chris Holme
Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Cllr Ohid Ahmed
Mr Stephen Halsey
Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Agenda item :
10 f) Strategic and Resource Planning 2014/15
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Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Mr Chris Holme
Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Webcast Finished
- Guidance on Declaration of Interests July 2012final, opens in new tab
- 6.1a Museum Gardens Toilet Block and Bethnal Green Shelter, opens in new tab
- 6.1b Bethnal Green Museum Gardens Design Access Impact Statement, opens in new tab
- 6.1c Bethnal Green Gardens Shelter Drawings, opens in new tab
- 6.1d Design.Access.Impact Statement, opens in new tab
- 6.1e Museum Gardens Toilet Block Drawings, opens in new tab
- 6.1f Checklist - BethGrnShelterMuseumGdnToilet, opens in new tab
- 6.2 AberfeldyPhase2HARCABurdettEstateCPOResolution, opens in new tab
- 7.1a Scrutiny Review Pupil Admissions Challenge Session, opens in new tab
- 7.1b APP1 Tackling the school places gap scrutiny report, opens in new tab
- 8.1a DAAT Commissioning, opens in new tab
- 8.1b App1 - LBTH SMNA Executive Summary, opens in new tab
- 8.1c App2 Option diagrams, opens in new tab
- 8.1d App3 Procurement Timetable v.3, opens in new tab
- 8.1e App4 - Checklist - DAAT commissioning intensions, opens in new tab
- 8.2a Health Scrutiny Review of A&E Services, opens in new tab
- 8.2b A&E Review Report, opens in new tab
- 8.3 Genesis MH accommodation procurement, opens in new tab
- 10.1a Strategic Performance Report, opens in new tab
- 10.1b App1 - Control Budget 2013-14, opens in new tab
- 10.1c App2 - Revenue Outturn, opens in new tab
- 10.1d App3 HRA, opens in new tab
- 10.1e App4 Capital Outturn Monitor, opens in new tab
- 10.1f App5 General Reserves, opens in new tab
- 10.1g App6 2013-14 Strategic Plan Monitoring - Q4, opens in new tab
- 10.1h App7 2013-14 yr end monitoring, opens in new tab
- 10.2a Resident Engagement in the Budget Process, opens in new tab
- 10.2b Scrutiny Report on Resident Engagement in the Budget Process, opens in new tab
- 10.2c Resident Engagement in the Budget Process - Action Plan, opens in new tab
- 10.3a Tower Hamlets Council's Approach to Support Staff with Specific Learning Difficulties, opens in new tab
- 10.3b Scrutiny Challenge Session Report - Tower Hamlets Council's Approach to Support Staff with Learning Difficulties, opens in new tab
- 10.3c Tower Hamlets Councils Approach to Support Staff with Specific Learning Difficulties - Action Plan FINAL, opens in new tab
- 10.4a CIV Report for the Cabinet, opens in new tab
- 10.4b AppA - PWG report(cabinet230714), opens in new tab
- 10.5 Q1 and Q2 - Contracts Forward Plan Report, opens in new tab
- 10.6 Strategic and Resource Planning 2015-16, opens in new tab
- 10.6b 2014-15 Strategic Plan, opens in new tab
- 10.6 Strategic and Resource Planning 2015-16 v 13 Combined - Updated, opens in new tab

Tower Hamlets Council

Head of Paid Service and Corporate Director, Communities, Localities and Culture
Tower Hamlet